Crazy Sexy Kitchen Trailer

Hi beauties!

So here she is, the behind-the-scenes “making of” Crazy Sexy Kitchen mini-documentary! A whopping thanks (and a fake gold statuette) to my brilliant husband Brian for his creative mojo and editing wizardry!

Here are some of the ingredients that went into this badass book trailer:

  • A year of creative planning (thank you, Hay House!)
  • Twenty (ish) manuscript drafts (I’ve lost count)
  • Hundreds of hours of writing & editing & sweating (thank you, Corinne Bowen!)
  • Decades of education (thank you, Grandma & my books)
  • Oodles of shopping, tasting & cooking
  • More cooking (thank you, Chef Chad & guests!)
  • Set designing & art directing
  • Even more cooking (thank you, me!)
  • Producing (thank you, Mom, for teaching me how to keep the trains running!)
  • And finally…Drum roll…I give you the “making of” Crazy Sexy Kitchen!
  • Sit back and enjoy the show.

Peace & film follies,

Kris Carr