Here at last! Crazy Sexy Kitchen debuts October 30th, 2014!

Hiya Sweet Friend.

The wait is FINALLY over! On Tuesday, October 30th, Crazy Sexy Kitchen will be sitting pretty on bookstore shelves across the country and shipping out to your magnificent mailboxes. I am bouncing off the walls with giddy anticipation! Every book I write is like a child to me and I am deeply proud of this one. The recipes are over-the-top inspiring and delicious. The philosophy is life-changing and the tips and know-how will totally transform your skills in the kitchen.

PLEASE NOTE: Cooking Classes and Dinner with Kris are no longer available.

As always, I want to thank you, dear readers. Ever since I started sharing some of the phenomenal plant-powered recipes in Crazy Sexy Kitchen, you’ve blown me away with your excitement and anticipation for the cookbook. Chef Chad and I created this cookbook with your happiness, health and taste buds in mind, and we hope that it brings you ultimate joy and vitality.

Over the past month, we’ve already started cooking together with the recipes in my delicious Sneak Peek and learning together through complementary Crazy Sexy Cooking Classes. You even got to take a behind-the-apron look at the making of Crazy Sexy Kitchen in our mini-documentary book trailer. So now that book launch week is here, it’s time to reveal yet another juicy surprise. And I always save the best for last.

Crazy Sexy Kitchen

I’m tickled tangerine to announce that beginning October 30th, those who pick up a copy of Crazy Sexy Kitchen at a local (actual “bricks & mortar”) bookstore, will be invited to Dinner with Kris–a 3-part virtual soiree with some of my inspiring colleagues in my very own home in Woodstock, NY. Bookstores really need our love. I bet you have a great one in or near your town. Join me in supporting them.

Press play on today’s video to celebrate Crazy Sexy Kitchen’s long-awaited debut with me and click here to learn more about Dinner with Kris. I put together this series to share the game-changing knowledge of today’s thought leaders directly with you. The people I’ll be featuring have changed my life and I know they will change yours too. Guests will be revealed soon. Believe me, you don’t want to miss this! But remember, you’ve gotta go to the “bricks & mortar” bookstores to get in on this experience.

More than ever, my heart is filled with gratitude for YOU. Without you, treasured reader, there wouldn’t be a Crazy Sexy Kitchen. I wrote this cookbook with Chef Chad Sarno to transform kitchens across America (and the rest of the world!) into mouth-watering, plant-happy, disease-fighting, love-filled headquarters. Ready to cook? I sure hope so!

Are you as excited as I am? Let me know in the comments below. 🙂

Peace & empowered plates,

Kris Carr