36 thank you messages. Because I know you deserve to hear them.

Hiya Gorgeous!

Between working, taking care of your loved ones, grocery shopping, cleaning your home and finding some time to take care of yourself, life can get busy. It’s easy to fall into overwhelm and guilt when our lists get long and we feel like we aren’t doing enough. That’s why I want to stop and take a moment to praise you for all your recent efforts. Why? Because you deserve it!

This love letter is a thank you message from me to you. Keep it handy and read it whenever you need some appreciation. It’s easy to forget all that we already do, especially when our culture is obsessed with forward progress. So soak in this tribute to spectacular you. Allow it to be a restorative soul vitamin whenever you need a boost.

36 Thank You Messages (Because You Deserve It)

  • Thank you for your love.
  • Thank you for saying yes.
  • Thank you for saying no (when we needed to hear it).
  • Thank you for all the butts you’ve wiped and the noses you’ve cleaned.
  • Thank you for your soft, strong shoulder.
  • Thank you for your creative touch, it adds more beauty to the world.
  • Thank you for the gas money.
  • Thank you for making all that great food and green juice!
  • Thank you for getting people where they need to go.
  • Thank you for your presence.
  • Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
  • Thank you for taking responsibility.
  • Thank you for your infectious laughter.
  • Thank you for your wild, silly, sexy, free spirit.
  • Thank you for mowing the lawn and taking the garbage out.
  • Thank you for always remembering to change the oil and get the car inspected.
  • Thank you for knowing how to fix things and for being so handy.
  • Thank you for being kind to animals and adopting pets in need.
  • Thank you for changing the cat litter and picking up dog poop.
  • Thank you for cleaning up cat and dog puke.
  • Thank you for taking care of yourself (even if you don’t think you do it well enough).
  • Thank you for pushing yourself and others to grow.
  • Thank you for being so open and non-judgemental. It makes people feel safe.
  • Thank you for listening with your whole being.
  • Thank you for your hard work and focus, it really makes a difference.
  • Thank you for your willingness to put yourself out there.
  • Thank you for being brave and courageous.
  • Thank you for being willing to fail and ready to leap.
  • Thank you for your passion and dedication.
  • Thank you for caring about the world around you.
  • Thank you for being vulnerable, we know it’s not easy.
  • Thank you for facing your challenging times with grace.
  • Thank you for the great people and ideas you’ve birthed.
  • Thank you for helping loved ones transition, for burying them with blessings and honor.
  • Thank you for being so incredibly compassionate.
  • Thank you for being YOU.

I could go on and on because your magnificence and contributions are limitless. Basically, I think you are a treasure and I want to acknowledge what a great person you are and all the wonderful things you do to make this universe a brighter place. xo!

Your turn: Is there someone in your life who deserves a thank you today? Share this thank you note with them.

Peace and deep appreciation,

Kris Carr

P.S. Need a pep talk?

Meditation is one of the easiest ways for you to get back to your heart. Start by checking out my Self-Care for Busy People meditation album—with each track under 15 minutes, you’ll find it easy to fit a mindfulness practice into your busy, beautiful life. Sample the Pep Talk meditation today!