Free Crazy Sexy Juice recipe cards!

Hey Sweetheart!

Do you collect recipes? I love to. I picked up this habit from my grandma who used to clip them from magazines like Better Homes and Gardens, Woman’s Day and McCall’s. She’d carefully cut out the pictures and directions, glue them to an index card and tuck them into her metal recipe box. Grandma got such joy out of sharing her recipes and cooking for friends and family, because that’s what you do for the people you love—you share what matters most to you. For her (and me), that’s serving glorious, delicious, easy food. Though the meals she made were very different from mine, they were brimming with her warm, motherly, Colombian (spicy) energy.

Inspired by my amazing grandma, and because I love you and want to share my joy with you, my team and I made some recipe cards just for you! These printable cards are a sampling of recipes from my new book, Crazy Sexy Juice. In them you’ll find a few of my favorite juice, smoothie and nut milks. Keep in mind: There are over 100 recipes in this baby, plus a 3-day cleanse with even more recipes—so there are a ton to choose from. This truly is just a sample to whet your appetite and delight your tastebuds.

Plus, Crazy Sexy Juice literally contains everything I know about juicing and blending, which is why this book is so big! Thankfully, I can finally put all my answers and favorite recipes in one place. Woot! Oh, and since folks have been asking: If you only have a blender and haven’t invested in a juicer yet, no problem. There are plenty of smoothie and nut milk recipes to choose from. In fact, there are actually more blender-friendly drinks in the book than juices (around 60!)

I also filmed a little how-to for ya. Need a visual on how these super-bevvies come to life? Here’s a quick video on how to make the Classic Green Lemonade you’ll find in the recipe cards. Mmm! Love love love this one. I make it all the time.

Lastly, here’s a snapshot of my grandma’s recipe box that I mentioned above. I recently spent hours poring through her collection, some of which went back to 1971—the year I was born. It was so beautiful to see her handwriting again. All her notes and substitutions were written in either Spanish or English—who knew she was such a good food editor?! When grandma died, I inherited this treasure chest. It sits in my kitchen so grandma can be close to my heart.


P.S. The random sticker bombing was my contribution. I always thought it looked a little plain, so I jazzed it up. I can still hear her say, Aye, dios mio, Kristin! In fact, she said that to me a lot! LOL.

Now it’s your turn: Did your family collect recipes? What was a favorite family meal?

Long before I was vegan or even knew what a green juice was, my family was known for their meatloaf, taters and gravy. I used to love that dinner; it just felt like home. I still make it today sometimes—the only difference is now it’s all plant-based (and even yummier!).

I’d love to hear about your cherished family recipes—share in the comments below.

Peace & sharing,

Kris Carr


crazy sexy juice recipe book