Adrenal Fatigue: Feeling Frazzled, Fatigued and Foggy?

Hi Sweet Friends,

Are you feeling tired, fried and foggy most of the time? After years of ups and downs in my energy department, I finally pinpointed the culprit — my adrenals. You may be walking around with the same misdiagnosed or unidentified issues. That’s why I invited my trusted friend and doctor, Kenneth Bock, Integrative MD, to sit down and talk with us about this common health challenge and how anyone can jump on the road to recovery.

In this Chat & Chew episode, you’ll learn:

  • What the heck do our adrenals do?
  • Why adrenal issues are often overlooked.
  • The main signs of adrenal problems.
  • The key to healthy adrenal glands.
  • How to support your adrenals (hint: lifestyle is a major player!)

And in case you’re curious about the supplements I take to support my adrenal fatigue, here are the deets:

  • Ashwaganda (Gaia or Organic India brand)
  • Licorice Plus (Metagenics brand)
  • Adrenal Essence (Xymogen brand)

But it’s not just about supplements. As you’ll learn in this video, stress tramples our adrenals like no other. As a result, I’ve had to make a conscious and consistent effort to monitor my workload and not stretch myself too thin physically or emotionally. Once I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, I knew it was time to lovingly care for those cute little glands, my adrenals. I bet some of you can relate.

Your turn: Do you have something to add to the adrenal conversation? Share! I’m always amazed by how much we all learn in the comments.

Peace & renewed energy,

Kris Carr

P.S. Want more tips for vibrant health?

Check out my best selling book, Crazy Sexy Diet, for more tips for getting back on track to vibrant health and happiness! Get Crazy Sexy Diet here.