Update on my furry family + why animal adoption matters

Hi Sweet Friends,

I’ve been blessed with many teachers throughout my life and they’ve come in all shapes and sizes. My grandmother. Dear friends. My husband. Books. Cancer. Healers. Doctors. The list goes on. Some teachers have been kind, some tough, and others have been a little off their rockers (in the best possible way). But what I’ve noticed over the years is that my most powerful teachers walk on all fours. A dairy cow who lived across the street from my childhood home. My soul-kitty Crystal (who I dedicated my second book to). Lately, I’ve been lucky enough to share my home with two wise, silly beings because of our choice to embrace animal adoption and animal rescue.

Most of you know Lola (#lolarocks). She’s part catahoula, part pitbull. Folks think she’s a hilarious hyena. We agree! You’ve probably also met Buddy by now (#gobuddygo). When we found him in the woods and he was a starving and emaciated shell of a dog with a resilient sweet soul. His journey back to health has taught me so much more about healing. It’s a Divine honor to watch him blossom and be part of his life.

That’s why I made this video for you. Often, people think that animal adoption and rescue are selfless acts—a one-way street. They don’t realize that by saving an animal, you could also be saving yourself. The love, companionship, and bond created with these loyal and innocent beings is truly unique and life-changing.

Watch the video above to meet my kids and to learn why my new guy is one of my greatest teachers (and if you want to learn about Lola’s adoption story, watch this video). I’ve also added some resources for finding a fur-buddy of your own and how to take the best care of them. Check out my infographic for some jaw-dropping stats on adoptable animals in the US today.

Animal Adoption Fact Sheet

Animal Adoption Resources

Where to adopt:

Want to adopt an animal, but don’t know where to start? Use these websites to search for an adoptable animal in your area. Also, you’re awesome!

Helpful adoption tips:

It’s helpful to get educated before bringing a furry new family member into your life. Take some time to read up on the responsibility and preparation that comes along with adopting a pet.

Animal Care Resources

Holistic Veterinarians

You may not have known that holistic veterinarians even existed! They’re the Integrative MDs of the animal world. Your pet’s veterinarian should be able to help you create a diet that fits your animal’s needs. Want to find a holistic vet in your area? Check out these resources:

Spaying and Neutering

There are numerous reasons to spay/neuter your pet (check out HSUS’s top ten reasons here), but one of the biggest reasons is overpopulation. As you can see in my infographic, 6-8 million animals enter shelters each year and only half of them are adopted on average. If money is a factor in your decision, check out this low-cost spay/neuter directory to find an affordable option. This is one of the most effective ways to reduce the number of homeless animals today!

Putting an end to puppy mills

Lastly, I want to bring your attention to puppy mills in the US. According to the ASPCA, “A puppy mill is a large-scale commercial dog breeding operation where profit is given priority over the well-being of the dogs. Unlike responsible breeders, who place the utmost importance on producing the healthiest puppies possible, breeding at puppy mills is performed without consideration of genetic quality. This results in generations of dogs with unchecked hereditary defects.”

It’s estimated that there are 2,000-3,000 USDA-certified puppy mills in the US, but that number could be as high as 10,000 based on the large number of breeders operating without a license. The number of dogs at these facilities ranges for ten to 1,000 breeding animals. The animals at these mills often live in unsanitary, overcrowded conditions without proper veterinary care or adequate food or water. And many of them are euthanized.

How can you help stop puppy mills?

  • Choose to adopt from a shelter rather than buying an animal at a pet store or online.
  • Take the ASPCA pledge to boycott pet stores that sell dogs from puppy mills.
  • Flex your policy muscles by helping the ASPCA Advocacy Brigade push legislation that will crack down on puppy mills.

I hope that this blog inspires you to adopt an animal in need from a shelter and to research more holistic approaches to caring for your pet. Lola and Buddy have brought so much joy, love and comfort to us—they complete our little family! Adopting them has changed our lives and I know adoption could transform yours too.

Bonus: Blooper Reel

Your Turn: Encourage others to adopt by sharing this article and your story!

Peace & compassion,

Kris Carr

P.S. Want more sweet animals teachers in your life?

Let the adorable animals walking, flying and swimming across my Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck be a daily reminder to give yourself a healthy dose of self-love. Even Lola & Buddy are featured! Get your Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck here.