The Healing Power of Flower Elixirs (Interview)

Hiya Gorgeous,

Like you, I’m always looking for new ways to reduce stress and increase my energy, creativity and daily joy. So, I was very intrigued to learn about flower alchemy when I met Katie Hess, founder of Lotuswei and author of the fabulous new book, Flowerevolution.

I fell in love with Katie’s posie potions a few years ago. Then, when we were creating the goodie bags for my Crazy Sexy Juice book launch, Katie donated hundreds of bottles of different flower essences for all our guests. Not only was this wildly generous, I swear it helped lift the energy in the room. Everyone was high on juice, flowers and loving life! (Thank you again, Katie.)

Since that time, I’ve been adding more flower power to my own life, and though I don’t really know what I’m doing (hence this interview), I love exploring anything that connects me to the healing and grounding power of nature.

Through my personal journey and work with readers like you, I’ve realized that when we lose our connection to the planet, we lose our connection to ourselves. And, one of the quickest ways to heal what ails us is to spark that connection again. That’s why Katie’s work is so soulful. Through the beautiful world of flowers, she teaches us how to bring nature back into our everyday lives. Sounds pretty awesome, right?

According to Katie, flowers can also serve as teachers or messengers to remind us of the preciousness of life and to inspire us to live our lives fully, madly, deeply.

Plus, research has shown that flowers have specific qualities that affect us in unique ways, from helping us manage our daily stress to boosting our immune systems. Most people would never suspect that quiet, unassuming flowers have so much to offer us—inside and out.

To learn how to use the subtle healing power of plants, Katie trained internationally with flower essence and meditation practitioners. She’s studied mindful-awareness techniques with several Tibetan Buddhist masters, including The Dalai Lama, The Karmapa—Tibet’s next generation leader—and Ayang Rinpoche, a master of compassionate death and dying.

Flower alchemy has changed Katie’s life and she wants to show you how it can improve yours, too. So, without further adieu, let’s chat with her about it!

Kris: What is flower alchemy?

Katie: Flower alchemy is the practice of harnessing the life-force energy of a plant. Within any plant or botanical, it is the flower that contains the highest concentration of life-force, or “chi”. This chi can be captured in a water and alcohol solution that when taken internally or applied externally, works through the acupuncture meridians to shift our state of mind within minutes, with a growing effect over time.

Kris: How can flower elixirs help us?

Katie: In a modern world where stress, tension, distraction and insomnia are the norm, flower elixirs provide a simple way to experience more happiness, ease, creativity, clarity and better sleep. Over time, the flower elixirs have increasing effects, helping to dissolve old unwanted habits and magnify our best qualities. They can support us to be at our best more often. By reconnecting people to the magic of flowers, we reconnect people to their true potential in life.

Kris: Are flower elixirs different from essential oils?

Katie: Yes! Flower elixirs don’t have a scent and they work through the acupuncture meridians. It is a liquid infusion of a flower or plant’s “chi” or life-force, whereas an essential oil is distilled or extracted from the plant into a highly aromatic oil.

Essential oils require huge amounts of plant material for distillation, but only a small amount of blooms are required for making flower elixirs—making them one of the most sustainable forms of natural remedies. Flower elixirs are hand-collected from flowers in the wild or in special gardens, following cycles of the moon and a dilution process. The final dilution no longer has any plant parts in it—only the energetic imprint or essence of the flower.

Kris: What are the different ways we can start incorporating flower elixirs into everyday life?

Katie: Find out what flower can benefit you most right now: take our quiz or if you already have the Flowerevolution book, check out page 120. These resources will help you identify the flower you’re most attracted to! I recommend using the indicated flower elixir on a daily basis: take five drops sublingually, five times each day or put a full dropper into your water bottle each time you fill up. Typically, within 3-5 days you start to notice a difference in how you feel and think, with an increasing effect over time.

There are two types of elixirs:

Combination flower elixir blends target an issue from many directions, working synergistically to enhance a particular state of mind. For example, in Quiet Mind, there are flowers for physical tension, monkey mind, not being able to let go and going on overdrive. So with one blend, you can address many of the issues causing sleep problems.

Single flower elixirs target very specific patterns. The effects of single flower elixirs may appear more subtle, yet they go deeper, hitting the bullseye. While it may take longer to discern the shifts taking place, the effects can be profound. Every flower is different, but you can target anything from relieving phobias or aggression to increasing confidence or patience.

Kris: Are there any safety issues we need to look out for when using flower elixirs?

Katie: Flower elixirs are so gentle, anyone can take them. They complement other healing modalities and can be taken in conjunction with other remedies. Children love them, too! Since we use honey in the elixir, we recommend using them after babies reach one year of age, but babies get all the mood-boosting benefits from the elixirs that their nursing mamas use. And for anyone wanting to avoid honey, the Aura Mists, Serums and Anointing Oils are 100% vegan (aka bee-free!).

In the Serums, Aura Mists and Anointing Oils, we combine flower elixirs with aromatherapy essential oils. Since some people are sensitive to certain scents and essential oils, you’ll need to use your own judgment regarding safety. If you have any concerns, consult your naturopath or midwife.

Kris: If there was one message you wanted everyone in the world to get from your work, what would it be?

Katie: To this day, the motivating factor of the business and everyone who works alongside me is the positive ripple effect that it has created. Using flower elixirs regularly leads people to not only feel more joyful and peaceful but to create more joy and peace. Our moods are infectious: when we’re happy, the people around us are happy. When we’re in a grumpy mood, it also affects people around us.

We can change the world from the inside out: taking charge of our state of mind is the most powerful agent of change in the world.

Kris: As a fellow entrepreneur, I’d love to know how you stay nourished and inspired? What are your non-negotiables?

Katie: Practicing meditation daily gives me spaciousness of mind—this is my number one personal non-negotiable. Taking it slow in the mornings at home or at a coffee shop is really nice, too—allowing for brainstorming and creative time.

Other ways I stay nourished and inspired: I love music, salsa dancing and using flower elixirs to wake up the best parts of me. I love playing and snuggling with my dogs. And whenever I’m near an Asian bathhouse—I go there to take a few hours off, sit in the sauna, dip in the hot and icy cold baths, eat spicy soup, lounge and do nothing. That’s deep rest for me and nourishes me for more creating later.

Kris: Thanks, Katie!

If you have questions about flower alchemy or experiences with it, please share in the comments. And if you’re looking to deepen your flower power knowledge, grab Katie’s book! It’s packed with information, stories and rituals. Here’s some fun: Find out what flower you’re most attracted to says about you. What is your favorite flower telling you about yourself? Oooh, I want to know!

Peace & petals,

Kris Carr

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