Crazy Sexy Kitchen paperback par-tay plus knife skills video

Hiya Cooks,

It’s been a little over two years since Crazy Sexy Kitchen was published and hit the New York Times best seller list. Creating this book with Chef Chad Sarno (my partner in delicious plant-based crime) was a dream come true. Like many of you, I was raised by a passionate cook, and it was my Grandma’s love for the kitchen that led me to the power of food. Every time I prepare a meal, I feel her warm, Colombian love.

Crazy Sexy Kitchen combines the spirit of cooking that I learned from my grandmother with the health and nutrition knowledge I’ve gained on my own journey—plus epic culinary skills from Chad and all our talented guest chefs.

In honor of the paperback release (woot!), I wanna give you FREE cooking classes! (UPDATE: this offer has expired, but you can still get a sneak peek of Crazy Sexy Kitchen below)

Check out one of the classes in this knife skills video!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to choose the right knife for you.
  • How to hold your knife safely and effectively.
  • How to store, maintain, and care for your knife.
  • How to dice, julienne, and chop any ingredient that crosses your cutting board.

I hope this knife skills tutorial inspired you to get busy in the kitchen.

Peace & chopping,

Kris Carr
