5 Affirmations for Success, Healing and Honesty

Hi Sweet Souls,

Today I want to invite you to pick a video that resonates with you. Kick back, listen to the message and meditate on how you can incorporate the wisdom into your life. I love sitting in my tree fort room and filming these readings for you. Each time I pick a card and share my reflections, I feel like we’re all hanging out and chatting about our lives. Thank you so much for watching and being part of my #crazysexylovenotes community. It’s pure joy seeing the cards pop up in my Instagram feed, on Twitter and Facebook.

Ready for your card of the day? Just press play on the Crazy Sexy Love Notes video that draws you in most. Soak in the words of comfort and encouragement awaiting you.

Card 1: Ask for Help

Card 2: Notice the Blessings

Card 3: Tell the Truth

Card 4: Nourish Yourself

Card 5: Forgiveness Heals

Peace & love notes,

Kris Carr

P.S. Need a healthy dose of self-love?

Check out my Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck for 52 gorgeous reminders to care for and appreciate yourself at the deepest level. Get the card deck here.