They’re here! My Crazy Sexy Love Notes deck with daily inspiration

Hiya Wonderful,

My first inspirational card deck officially launches today! Hip hip hooray! This has been a dream of mine for years and I’m so excited to see this vision become a reality, because I love writing uplifting, soulful messages for you all. I’ve been sharing peeks of my Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck lately on Facebook, Instagram, and in my newsletter, and now this labor of sweet love is officially out in the world. To celebrate, I pulled a card for you.

Check out the message in the video below and if you’d like a deck of your own, you can get one at both Hay House and Amazon.

In creating this deck, I had the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with talented artist, Lori Portka. She hand painted every image as I meditated on the words. Together we poured our hearts into lifting yours. These sweet cards (with so many adorable animals for all the critter lovers out there!) are meant to remind you that you are a magnificent, radiant being. The sooner you start embracing that fact and treating yourself accordingly, the sooner your life will begin to unfold with purpose, ease, health, and vitality.

My intention behind writing these cards is simple, I want you to feel loved and hugged every time you pull one of these glorious messages. This deck is a reminder of your preciousness. Use it as a compass to help you stay on track with your well-being and spiritual practice.

Let these love notes guide you back home when you lose your way, and remind you to care for yourself at the deepest level. Choose a card anytime you need direction or encouragement. The messages are always there for us. We just need to ask and listen.

I hope you enjoy the wisdom, beautiful paintings, and kind words in this deck. Crazy Sexy Love Notes is my way of being there for you at the flip of a card—to give you the love and support that will help you have more compassion for yourself and the world.

Want more love? Click here to get your very own deck!

Peace & love notes,

Kris Carr


Remember to share your gifts! If you didn’t watch the video make sure you go back and soak in that message sweetheart.