What is Crazy Sexy You? My 21-Day Total Wellness Program

Hiya Gorgeous!

By now you may have seen the buzz about Crazy Sexy You: A 21-Day Total Wellness Program (created by moi). Well, I wanted to take a minute to explain more about it here.

But first, it’s important for me to share where my passion for this program came from. Quite simply, I created what I needed when I was at a turning point in my life. When I needed help, guidance, and a well-vetted plan with a proven track record.

I was tired of being confused by conflicting information and I was overwhelmed with fear and doubt. But most of all, I just didn’t feel good and I knew life had more in store for me. If only I could find my way…

Well, over a decade later, I created the blueprint I needed (and that you may benefit from too). I took all my research, testing and fine tuning and put it into a cohesive program that’s built with one overarching goal in mind: your success.

So I’d love to tell you about it, and if you’re inspired, click the links in this article to learn more. Because no matter where you are or what you’re going through, you have the power to change your current reality—to feel better, do better and be better in all aspects of your life.

Crazy Sexy You At-a-Glance

For 21 days, plus some prep and wind down time, you and I will focus our energy on your total well-being. But it won’t just be us, because it takes a village to change habits so you’ll also have our two registered dieticians, our chef and team leaders coaching you every step of the way.

Plus you’ll have the full-support of our private community. Phenomenal, caring people will be there for you around the clock–going through the same challenges and triumphs. Big shifts and deep connections happen in this space.

You see, Crazy Sexy You isn’t just a cleanse or a diet. It’s much more well-rounded than that. This program is a self-care reset designed to help you take back your health and your power.

You’ll have the opportunity to heal your relationship with food and your body, to learn new cooking skills and expand your recipe repertoire, to explore simple fitness routines that will strengthen your body and spirit, weekly coaching videos that motivate you to keep going, and soothing meditations that will uplift your mind.

In my experience, most programs only focus on one aspect of well-being. But you and I both know that it’s gotta be holistic or it won’t stick. So as we’re upgrading your diet, we’ll also be nourishing your mind, body and spirit. This is why I call it a “Total Wellness Program” and why so many people have had life-changing transformations. In fact, I can honestly say that Crazy Sexy You is a complete wellness practice that will sustain you for life.

But, here’s the main reason why Crazy Sexy You works. I’ve taken 100% of the guesswork out of the equation. Every meal, every shopping list item, every workout and meditation, every to-do and how-to has been thought through and laid out for you in a simple (and fun!) way. All you have to do is follow the steps. That’s it. Click here to learn more and join the waitlist.

It’s taken me years to create this, because I had to make sure it worked. Well, last year we led thousands of people through the program with phenomenal success. They lost pounds and inches, improved their sleep, boosted their energy and much more. Since then I’ve made Crazy Sexy You even more cost-efficient, easier to follow and more effective.

Now I don’t know about you but I often like to hear about other people’s experiences before I commit to something new. I can’t think of a better story to share with you then Dawn Marie’s. When you hear what she’s been through and where she is now, you’ll fall off your chair.

Meet Dawn… this gal is my personal hero!

Dawn Marie was diagnosed with Stage 2 Primary Biliary Cholangitis, an autoimmune disease that impaired her liver function. As a result, she was at risk for needing a liver transplant. Though she was being treated with medications, the side effects were horrible, including debilitating fatigue and extreme itching.

Then, after just 3 weeks on Crazy Sexy You, her side effects completely disappeared. And guess what happened next? (This is where I totally lose it)

A few weeks after completing the program, she went back to the doctor and learned that her liver tests were almost completely normal. Her stage 2 disease reduced to a stage ZERO! (Happy dance!)

I know first hand what it feels like to be saddled with a life-threatening illness. It’s a world of scary. I love Dawn Marie so much. She makes me feel like my own wellness dreams continue to be possible. Not only is she no longer in need of a pending liver transplant, she lost a significant amount of weight and feels like she got her life back.

Please take a moment to watch her extraordinary story above.

If you want more from your life, reach out and grab it. It’s within your grasp. You can succeed this time. You can feel better. And, I’ll be there with you every step of the way.

Peace & healing,

Kris Carr

P.S. Enrollment for Crazy Sexy You is now closed…