A Day in the Life of the Crazy Sexy You program

Hiya Gorgeous!

First, I’m so happy that so many of you are interested in Crazy Sexy You, my 21 day total wellness program. We get so many questions about the program but a few of the big ones that keep coming up go something like this: “This sounds like exactly what I need. But, what will I actually eat? And what else will I be focusing on other than food?” Great questions!

With that in mind, I’d love to walk you through an average day of the program. I hope it makes your tastebuds tingle and your heart sing, because this immersion could be exactly what you need to kickstart a better way of living, feeling and thriving. So let’s take a tour!

A Day in the Life of the Crazy Sexy You program…

You’ll start your day with water and lemon and if you like, a cup of green or white tea. Then, it’s breakfast! You’ve already prepped your juice ingredients the night before, so it’s a snap to make your Mellow Green juice and enjoy breakfast featuring the Broccoli Chickpea “Omelet.”

Lunch is also all set because you packed up a serving of Speedy Romaine and Avocado Salad. Once you’ve finished breakfast and grabbed your lunch and snacks (an extra serving of Mellow Green juice plus Sweet Potato Hummus and cucumber slices), you’re off to work or play or wherever your life takes you!

When you get home, dinner is already planned, easy-peasy. There’s no stress, no wondering what to do and then realizing you have no groceries. You just whip up Vegetable Pad Thai and then enjoy some Chocolate Pudding with Raspberries for dessert. Ahhh…

Crazy Sexy You Plant-Based Diet Program

At some point during the day, you set aside time for a short meditation practice that helps calm your mind. As the program progresses, you realize how this seemingly small action has a huge impact on your overall happiness—you just feel more balanced and connected.

The short (and fun!) workouts in Crazy Sexy You also contribute to the joy and strength you feel. You watch your stress lower and your bootie rise! Some weeks you workout more, others less, but you still notice a difference—you just keep feeling better and better, inside and out.

As the weeks progress you feel more confident and in control of your life. And the best part: you take what I teach to heart–progress, not perfection. This guiding principle becomes your north star. As a result, you’re more successful than ever before because you’re gentler with yourself. You still meet your goals, but you accomplish them by being very kind to yourself.

When you feel like checking in with our community, you’re met with a sea of love and support. Your new friends and I are there to cheer you on along with my team, our Dietitians, and Chef.

Of course, you’ve got stuff to do to make this goodness work. There’s shopping, cooking and chopping afterall. But the program materials and my coaching videos are so well crafted that all you have to do is follow the steps. Again, you feel relieved and impeccably cared for.

If this sounds tempting, exciting, energizing, freeing, gratitude filling, nurturing—I’d LOVE to welcome you into the Crazy Sexy You family!

Sound like a dream come true?

Watch the video and take a moment to peruse the information on this page. Everything is written out in full detail.

Of course, if you have any questions, my team and I are standing by to help you. Visit the link above where you can chat with us, browse the FAQ’s or email us!

Peace and come aboard!

Kris Carr

P.S. Enrollment for Crazy Sexy You is now closed…