How to Move From Dreaming to Doing

Hi Dear Friends,

Is there something you’ve been aching to try but are too afraid to pursue? Are you frozen in a life or belief system that no longer satisfies who you are today? Do you celebrate everyone else’s progress but your own? Well, I’ve got some potentially difficult (yet ultimately awesome) news for you. A spiritual forest fire could be on the way.

At least that’s my pattern. Sometimes, when I’ve ignored my gut and resisted my intuition, the universe has had to use a megaphone to get my attention. You know, those kick-in-the-pants moments that end with falling on your face and having to pick yourself up and start fresh.

Here are a few of my messy examples…

I was in a painful relationship with a man I loved more than he loved me, we were about to get married and that’s when the letter with pictures from another woman came. He cheated. I was crushed beyond measure. Sadly, what happened next was ugly and regretful, but in the end I am certain that I sidestepped a disastrous marriage in the nick of time. Spiritual forest fire.

Six years later I married the man of my dreams.

I was in a career that was going nowhere (acting). Sure, I did great theater, a handful of bad films, some TV, and endless commercials, but I rarely had the opportunity to share my real gift—my authentic voice. In fact, I had wanted to quit for a while but I was too afraid to do it. Then I got sick and the offers dried up. Spiritual forest fire.

Twelve years later I’ve got a few New York Times best-sellers and over a million cherished readers a month who value my unique approach to healthy living.

Are you starting to get the picture? I share these stories to show you what’s possible on the other side of the fire. And believe me, I could go on with endless examples of what happened when I refused to see the truth, got the rug pulled out from under me, then woke up and used my bottoming out as an opportunity to rise.

But you don’t have to wait for your own spiritual forest fire to start living the life you want to live. Just because you may be feeling stuck in a relationship, financial situation, health crisis, or dead-end career, doesn’t mean you don’t have choices.

We’re constantly given opportunities to grow and our souls are always nudging us in the direction of what’s best for us—winking at us when we’re in alignment and warning us when we’re not. Our job is to stay open and listen.

When we feel stuck or resistant, our souls just ask that we remain receptive and willing to see things differently—even if that means feeling uncomfortable.

Lastly, human beings are creative for a reason. Evolution requires imagination. And let’s face it, change isn’t always easy, even when it’s positive, that’s why we need to lean on our creativity to show us the way.

Let’s try it together…

What do you want?

See it. Taste it. Ask for it. Talk to yourself, your journal, your closest compadres, God, The Universe, the trees, your dogs.

Next, start sketching a rough draft of how to get there. This isn’t some woo woo exercise, it’s how many of the most successful people in the world manifest abundance in their lives. Once we’ve identified our wants we have to back them up with action.

Oh! And don’t forget: Unleash your imagination. Allow yourself to believe that everything is in reach. My husband and I have a dreaming game we play where the sky’s the limit, any idea is possible. His dreams are always huge and fun. While mine are often small and tidy with neat tucked-in corners. “Babe, you have an imagination for a reason, use it!” Good advice.

And lastly, if you’re experiencing some dream constipation and just don’t know what you want, don’t worry. Start there and have faith that the answers will come, there’s no need to force a direction. Allow your heart to open and be patient. Stay observant and don’t push the river. You’re brewing. Marinating. Gestating. And that, my friend, is enough for now.

I hope this blog is a step towards unsticking any stuckness. A bright future awaits. All you need is a pinch of courage, a dash of effort, and a cup of faith.

Your turn: I want to hear from you, take the first step and share one big (or small) dream of yours with me and our awesome community. Put it out there!

Peace and imagination,

Kris Carr

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