How to Manifest (video)

Hiya Gorgeous!

We’ve all got wishes, dreams and desires. Maybe they’ve been hanging out in your mind for years, waiting to get noticed. Or maybe you think about them all the time—but you don’t know how to make them a reality.

That’s why today I want to talk about one of my favorite topics, how to manifest!

Get this, our thoughts have the power to create our reality. Really take that in. Pretty nifty, right? That’s why we want to point our thoughts in the positive direction of your soul’s desire. Because on a practical, day-to-day basis, what we think, how we feel and the energy we put out in the world, all contribute to what we get back.

So the goal of manifesting is to align our thoughts and energy with the energy of what we desire. Then the next step is to both take action and believe that what we want to call forth is on its way.

Here’s a fun example from my own life:

Before I was a full-time wellness warrior, I was an actor and a dancer. Back in those days, I had this big, stay-up-all-night-thinking-about-it dream to work at the Sundance Theater Institute. This was the gig to get—and I was up against some pretty fierce competition.

So, I wrote my dream down where I’d see it every day. Each time I looked at it, I imagined it had already come true. I let myself dive in and run wild with that vision.

I saw myself kicking up my heels and flexing my creative muscles on that dazzling stage. And then, (while my dreams were percolating out in the universe) I took all the jobs I could get and dedicated myself to perfecting my craft so I’d be ready when the opportunity came along.

I bet you can guess what happened next. One magical, wonderful day… there it was. My dream!

To learned exactly what and how it happened, don’t miss my latest video.

It’s living proof that our thoughts have the power to create our reality. I manifested my dream with those powerful thoughts (and a whole ‘lotta elbow grease and belief) and so can YOU.

Haven’t tried this at home? Fear not, honey! Learn how to manifest by pressing play.

In this lil’ ole video, you’ll learn:

  • How to get clear on what you want
  • Feel what it feels like to embody your dream
  • Take inspired action
  • Find trust that your dreams are coming true

Your turn: What’s one thing you want to manifest? Share in the comments below! Or share a great manifesting story from your own life.

Peace and happy manifesting,

Kris Carr

P.S. Ready to create your most extraordinary life?

Let my new album, Extraordinary: Meditations for Miraculous Living be your guide. They’ll put you in the mindset of greatness so you can feel and be your very best! Check it out here!