If You Don’t Ask, The Universe Can’t Deliver!

Happy Holidays, Dearest!

Did you believe in Santa when you were a kid? If this tradition wasn’t part of your cultural upbringing let me share what it was like. It was a time when anything was possible. Consumerism aside, the big guy in the red suit still reminds me of the cheerful, hopeful kid inside. I love Santa to this day. If you’re feeling like you could use a dose of magical thinking to lift your spirits and launch your desires, especially as you head into the new year, this blog might get your creative juices flowing again.

And in case you need a refresher, here’s the kind of Santa-joy I’m talking about…

Now, more about Mr. Claus. A jolly chap from a whimsical land works with elves to make toys and gather presents for all the children in the world. Some elves are the craftsman, others do gift wrapping and card writing. Reindeer cruise around without predators and everyone lives in happy harmony. Mrs. Claus (an incredible pastry chef) serves cookies for breakfast, gingerbread houses for lunch, and pudding for dinner—and nobody gets diabetes.

If you make it to the “nice” list, meaning you didn’t pull your sister’s hair all year, you’d be poised to score some serious loot. However, if you found yourself in the unfortunate position of being on the “naughty” list, well, you’d probably get scratchy wool socks and a book about something that would make you a better person. You know, self-help stuff.

Some of my top requests included a Fisher Price record player (however, I did not ask for the Janis Ian soundtrack that accompanied it, my mom must have slipped that in for herself), a pink Huffy bike, and Wonder Woman boots. I never got the boots, but I loved putting my desires out there and I learned to have gratitude for whatever I received—whether it was on the list or not.

As an adult, sometimes it’s hard to believe in a magical connection to an unseen world that works on our behalf. Today, as you reads this blog, I dare you to wish and dream again.

If you’ve forgotten or stopped believing in your power to manifest then this is a fun reminder that the universe is ready to fulfill your wishes. However, it can’t know what to give you if you don’t tell it. Bake some cookies, pour some almond milk, and start writing your letter to the universe. Shoes are fine, but I’m more interested in soul cravings. Get out of your head (ego) and into your heart (soul). Kick-start the domino effect of the law of attraction. Nothing is too big, small, weird, or wild.

What emotions come up when you think about your wants? Happy, tired, sad, inspired? If your wants create exhaustion in your body perhaps they’re not right for you. If they ignite joy, go for them.

Now ask yourself, are you willing to meet the universe halfway? Action is required. It’s not a free ride, even kids had to do something (be kind) to get what they wanted. There’s a funny joke about a guy who prays to win the lottery but never does. He complains and complains. Finally, one day, the Universe or God says, “dude, you gotta buy a ticket!”

This next bit is really important. How will you know when you get there—when you got what you wanted? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I’m so busy doing that I don’t notice (and appreciate) what I’ve already received. Stay alert and set a measurement for your success.

Above all leave room and trust. Sometimes the universe has a much bigger plan for you. The fulfillment of your desires can come in the shape of a gift or the form of a much needed lesson. Either way, you are deeply loved and everything is possible.

From my family to yours, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Your turn tootsie: Feeling brave? Share a wish. Put it out there. We’ll send them all to the spiritual North Pole and let’s see what happens! xo

Peace and bells,

Kris Carr
