5 Tips to Make Changes that Stick

Hi Precious Pals,

Happy (nearly) New Year! Soon, I’ll be tooting my party horn and tossing virtual confetti towards the heavens. This is going to be a grrreat year for us both. I can feel it my bones.

More than anything, the new year serves as a symbol — of expansive new beginnings.

In the past, I’ve lunged upon New Year’s Day, beating it over the head with a bat and broom. (We all know how this story ends.) Not this year! I’m focusing on how I want to feel (thank you, Danielle LaPorte!) and setting intentions from that holy, sacred space. I hope you will, too.

In the spirit of shifting toward a life that feels deliciously good, whole and passionate, I called in my friend and miracle maven, Gabrielle Bernstein. For those of you who don’t know Gabby, she’s a shining motivational speaker, author and the leader of the Spirit Junkie nation.

Awhile ago, Gabby and I sat around my kitchen island to chat about the ins and outs of change. I hope our conversation infuses your intentions with the confidence you need to forge ahead feeling more empowered and at peace. Use our tips to create a kinder, simpler, happier new year.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn …

  • How to make changes that stick.
  • The simple practice that has helped Gabby make small and life-altering shifts over the years. It takes less than a minute each day!
  • The major stumbling blocks that are standing between you & transformational change and how to begin knocking them down.
  • My approach to change (I’ve never made resolutions like this before!)
  • A fresh, new way to embrace forgiveness and release the negative thinking that’s holding you back.
  • Unicorns can talk!

Your turn: What’s the one thing you will transform in the new year?

Once again, Happy New Year! I hope you have the best year ever, and I just adore you to your core. xo 🙂

Peace & simple, powerful shifts,

Your biggest fan,

Kris Carr

P.S. Get guidance to creating miracles from me and Gabby!

Get 9+ hours of inspirational content with the Crazy Sexy Miracles Lecture Collection to help you set goals and create success. Ring in the new year with clarity, passion and intention. Grab yours now!