9 Simple Morning Rituals for Energy and Mental Clarity

Hi Sunshine,

How do you start your day? Is your first thought one that immediately leaves you stressed? Do you spend your mornings feeling frazzled?

How many times have you woken up, immediately checked your phone, sent an email, then a text? Maybe you turned on your TV, checked Facebook and Instagram, freaked out over something you read, and felt bad about something you said?

Then you have to feed the kids and the dog and pack lunches. You pour a third cup of very strong coffee and send another email—all before 7am. Is that really how you want to live your life?

Your Morning Routines Shape Your Days

Now I know we’re busy people, but can you see how a schedule like this could kickstart adrenaline? I sure can. I have my own variation of this story and it’s just as chaotic. When I hit the ground running, I generally feel unstable. And that’s why I want to help you rethink your morning habits with your well-being in mind. So without further ado, here are some morning ritual ideas to help you start your week the right way.

#1 Start Your Morning the Night Before

The best morning rituals start the night before. Write down your to-do list before you go to bed. Spending time writing down any important task(s) you need to complete the night before helps you wake up and start your day with intention. Believe me, it will make a big difference in your daily life.

#2 Use a Gentle Alarm

If you need to set an alarm, make sure it’s soft and sweet. There’s nothing worse for your adrenals than the blaring sound of an obnoxious alarm that immediately leaves you feeling stressed. Instead, choose something like a subtle chime that slowly brings you back into consciousness. Good morning, angel.

#3 Begin Each Morning with a Positive Outlook

Our first moments are our most open and sacred. They are the bridge between the subconscious mind and consciousness. If you’re like me, it probably takes a few minutes to feel present and in your body. You don’t have to be a morning person to kickstart your day with some positive thinking.

This is the perfect time to connect with your soul. Rather than tuning into the outside noise, go inside first. Silently give thanks and show yourself some much-deserved love. Begin each morning by blessing your day. How lovely, right?

Here’s an example of what I say upon waking: “Thank you for another day on this glorious planet. May I be happy, healthy, grateful, kind, and loving today. May I be of service to myself and others. Thank you. I love you. Have a beautiful day, sweet Kris.”

This simple morning ritual truly changes everything. It helps shift our perceptions about ourselves and the world around us. So much of our focus is often on what we don’t have or what’s missing in our relationships, jobs, or overall well-being. We wake up ready to judge and criticize. Wouldn’t you rather immerse yourself in happiness?

#4 Set an Intention Every Morning

I encourage you to allow daily gratitude, prayer, and blessings to shift that. While there may be circumstances in our lives that we can’t change, nothing can take away our freedom to choose our own thoughts. Your mind is your sovereign space and you are the leader of that kingdom.

This fundamental truth is one of the most important revelations we can have about our power. Love, peace, war, forgiveness—it all stems from a thought. And though it may seem small to begin with thanks, in truth, it’s revolutionary. Setting an intention every morning helps you start your day focused on the good that lies ahead.

#5 Drink a Juice, Smoothie, or Glass of Lemon Water Before Coffee

People always ask me if I drink coffee in the morning. The answer? Sometimes! But I always feel better when I put something healthy in my stomach before my tea or coffee. Drinking a smoothie with good fats and protein or a green juice loaded with vitamins and minerals helps me avoid overdoing the caffeine and all the crashes that come with it.

Try this tip, I swear it will change your day! And don’t forget to drink a big ol’ glass of water with lemon upon rising. The benefits are insurmountable and your liver and bowels will thank you.

#6 Take a Few Minutes to Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Eating breakfast every morning as part of your daily routine is a great way to start your day. Try out some of these healthy meals:

Starting your morning with breakfast makes a positive impact on the rest of the day.

#7 Write in a Gratitude Journal

Another great morning ritual is to write morning pages. One of the best ways to get to know yourself and practice loving kindness is to write about your thoughts and feelings. Talk to yourself on the page. Ask questions and listen for the answers.

If you have nothing to say, write “I have nothing to say” over and over until you do. Or try something like “If I did have something to share, what would it be?” Just get the conversation going. You’d be surprised how impactful a five-minute journal session can have on your entire day.

#8 Incorporate Morning Meditation into Your Routine

Before you roll out of bed and dive into your morning routine, take a few moments to take some deep breaths. Sitting in silence is a great way to embrace the healing space between thoughts. I always feel so comforted when I embrace meditation in my morning routine.

If you’re new to this practice, just sit in a comfortable position for 10 minutes and focus on your breath. When a thought comes (and it will), acknowledge it by saying something like “thinking” to yourself and then try to let it go (that may not be possible right away—don’t worry if that’s the case). You can also use counting or a mantra to anchor your attention. Try counting from 1-10. Again, if a thought comes, pause, say “thinking” and resume where you left off.

An example of a mantra I like to use is “I am love.” Do whatever works for you and don’t be hard on yourself. I recently took a workshop with one of my favorite teachers, Pema Chodron. Pema is a Buddhist nun who has been meditating for more than 40 years.

I nearly fell off my cushion when she joked about being terrible at meditating! (She has the best sense of humor and is one of the kindest, gentlest teachers.) She shared this with us so we would stop beating ourselves up for being sucky meditators. If Pema can have compassion for her practice, so can we.

Psst! If you want to dive right in and try meditating (or just take a new meditation for a spin), I’ve got a little gift for you. Fill out the form below for your free meditation!

#9 Wake Up Your Body with Mindful Movement

It’s no wonder that some of the most successful people in the world say that exercising before they go to work is the secret to their success.

This summer I spent a lot of time hiking and swimming. I’d get up early, walk for 45 minutes and then jump in my pool and do some laps. On the days I started my morning routine with movement, I felt amazing. My mood was perky, my attention and focus were strong and I felt more vibrant.

And you don’t have to incorporate heavy exercise into your morning routine. Forget the gym if that’s not your thing. Take a quick walk to get some fresh air. Do a sun salutation or head to a yoga class for some gentle yoga in the early hours of the morning.

Or dance to uplifting music as you blow dry your hair. Just try to move your body a little more than you did yesterday. Even if you only have five minutes, do some squats. Brush your teeth and strengthen your thighs! Exercise is a great way to reduce stress, get your blood flowing, and kickstart your productivity.

Make Morning Rituals a Part of Your Healthy Morning Routine

When you spend time focusing on healthy habits that leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and grateful, it makes a big difference in your life. I hope this blog post helped you brainstorm ways to incorporate mindful practices into your week.

Your Turn: What other morning rituals help you start your day in a healthy way? I wanna know what works for you and I know our community will, too!

Peace & roosters,

Kris Carr

P.S. Need a self-care support group?

You don’t have to do self-care solo, sweetie! Come try the support we offer in Inner Circle Wellness—my complete self-care solution with wellness coaching, healthy recipes, fun workouts, and more. If you want to stress less, move more, and feel better, it’s for you! Come see what the Inner Circle is all about.