Come grocery shopping with me to kick off Prevention Month!

Hi Powerful Friends,

PLEASE NOTE: Cooking Classes and Dinner with Kris are no longer available.

Have you ever heard the phrase “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? As an outspoken cancer patient I know in my bones that the only lasting cure for that which ails us is prevention. And when I talk prevention, I’m not just referring to cancer, I’m referring to any disease or state (self-doubt, listlessness, fear) that harms you. If you’ve been a part of the Crazy Sexy revolution for a while, you know that I’m very vocal about investing in your health. When you stay well, we’ll be in much better shape as a nation and as a global society. Unfortunately, some powerful folks (certain corporations and politicians) disagree with me. No matter. They don’t interest me, you do. When you wake up and help others to wake up, you can change things. It will take time and ya gotta be willing to stay the course, but trust me, you’re worth it.

Storytime: Last week I was on yet another plane. About ten minutes after we took flight, the pilot asked us to donate to breast cancer awareness (October is the big month after all) by purchasing a pink Minute Maid or a pink martini. I chuckled as I often do. Well, that’s not true, sometimes I shout. Now before I continue, let me make one thing clear, I’m not bashing cancer research, it’s very important. It saves lives. We absolutely need it. I’m pointing out the insidious hypocrisy and mixed messages that pink washing sends. Pink high fructose corn syrup? Pink M&M’s? Pink carcinogenic cosmetics? Pink alcohol? Pink handguns (I shizzle you not)? I’m sure the pink movement started out with impeccable intentions, but it seems to lose its way the bigger it gets. Sadly, many of the pink products contribute to getting us sick in the first place. Offer me a pink grapefruit and I’m in! Offer me a product that will depress my immune system and I’m driven to write (my way of standing up for us). And where does that money actually go? Does it all go towards research? I think not. Pink is big business.

Look, we can research ’til the cows come home, however we’re still missing the point. Why on earth aren’t we investing an equal or greater amount in your healthy, bright future? Why on earth are we waiting ’til you’re in harm’s way before we do something? Here’s why: profits. That’s the reason many food companies don’t want safe and accurate labeling. That’s why billions of animals are confined and tortured. That’s why Monsanto (the dark lord) wants global domination over seeds, chemicals and patents. Some very powerful companies prosper when you’re sick or on your way to getting sick. Not so much when you’re healthy and vibrant. Sorry to sound all doom and gloom, but today I’m putting the unicorns in the barn and standing up for what I believe in – YOU.

Last year, I decided to hijack November and make it the mightiest of months–Prevention Month! You know the drill, the U.S. is riddled with chronic disease and although pills and procedures can be life-saving, we need to get at the root of the problem to see real change. I’ve seen that change happen in the thousands of people I’ve met at my lectures, book signings, retreats and coaching seminars. I’ve done it, they’ve done it, and now you can transform your health too. Let’s get started!

This November, Prevention Month is going to be SO much easier because I have created phenomenal tools to support your prevention-is-HOT endeavors. If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves in the kitchen and have some fun with me and Chef Chad Sarno, these goodies will transform your plate, excite your palate and infuse your mind and body with vitality and happiness.

So, how am I going to arm you during your prevention-filled fiesta this month? Education, of course! First, I’m sharing one of the twelve videos from my Crazy Sexy Cooking Classes (above). You don’t even have to buy the book. Come take a tour of Whole Foods–the first place I visited post-diagnosis. Chef Chad and I will shower you with tips, recipes and know-how that’ll make your next trip to the grocery store fun and stress-free.

Next come the raw materials for a vibrant life — 150 glorious, mouth-watering, plant-happy recipes to fill your body with health and happiness (foodie style!). My new cookbook, Crazy Sexy Kitchen, is on shelves, but if you’d like to browse the pages and sample some recipes first, check out my FREE Sneak Peek. You’ll also get some amazing recipes that didn’t make it into the book! Why? With over 150 recipes, there wasn’t enough room.

Finally, AND THIS IS HUGE, I’m wrapping up our Prevention Month by kicking off the first of THREE Dinner with Kris virtual soirees on November 28th! Who are my trailblazing guests? The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is sending two of their bright stars to my home in Woodstock, NY for an evening of cutting edge conversation over a delicious Crazy Sexy Kitchen meal.

It’s time for us to get political and you deserve to know the truth about your food. EWG is at the forefront in the fight for safe and healthy food for all and that’s why they are my dear friends and why I want them to be yours. We’re going to answer YOUR burning questions and cover game-changing topics LIVE, for example: What are GMOs and how do they affect my food and my health? What’s the difference between organic and conventional foods? How will certain foods impact the health of a growing child? What do I need to know to feel confident and informed while grocery shopping?

Let’s get confident in our kitchens together and transform them into prevention headquarters across the globe. The revolution starts with YOU at your next meal–it’s that simple.

So tell me: What’s the one step you’re going to take this month to move toward a healthier, happier life for years to come? Declare your commitment in the comments, whether it’s eating one plant-passionate meal a week, buying a juicer and finally making that morning green drink, skipping fast food or going plant-happy for thirty days. Whatever it is, start today. We’ll hold you accountable and cheer you on!

Peace & virtual pinky-swears,

Kris Carr
