15 Self-Care Affirmations to Create a Positive Mindset

Hiya Gorgeous!

Self-care is such a sweet concept. But it can be so difficult to practice consistently, can’t it?

Life is busy and there are a lot of demands on your time. But what about those rare days when you have nothing on your schedule—but also no drive to take care of yourself and your mental health?

Tell me I’m not alone in this, tootsie!

Physical Health, Spiritual Health, and Mental Health Hinge on Self-Care

I can’t be the only one who’s finally had a free Saturday, only to hunker down on the couch and hide from the world, forgetting that a self-care routine can exist. Whether your distraction of choice is a Netflix binge or a Facebook scroll, the core challenge is the same. Plenty of time to focus on taking care of yourself. Zero motivation to act. Ever been there?

My guess is that you may be finding yourself in this place a lot lately. For most of us, all of our weekend social commitments disappeared overnight. But we also have a lot of unexpected stress that leaves us feeling overwhelmed. You just can’t seem to make your actions align with your intentions. You’re not alone in that, dear ones.

It’s Time To Make Your Self-Care a Top Priority

Anytime I’ve noticed that happening, I treat it as a prompt to check in with myself. (Cue the sirens!) I look under the hood to try to find the “Why” hiding behind the “What.”

So why the motivation drain? What is keeping you from getting enough exercise, eating good things, and reducing stress? What is the cause that trips you up from spending time practicing consistent self-care and living the healthy, beautiful life you desire?

There can be a lot of contributing factors: Lack of time, lack of energy, anxiety and depression, and plain ol’ procrastination.

But the underlying cause of them all is often a mental barrier. Somewhere deep down is a broken belief. You’re overwhelmed with feelings of negative thoughts. You believe self-care has to be all-or-nothing. You don’t believe in your own ability to be consistent. Or you feel like it’s self-indulgent to hold space for self-care.

But you matter, beautiful. You deserve love. Don’t let the wrong mindset hold you back. So let’s examine the underlying beliefs that may be draining your confidence today. Let’s replace those negative feelings with positive affirmations.

Use Self-Care Affirmations to Banish Self Doubt and Boost Your Self-Esteem

If you were to get really honest about the soundtrack of self-doubt that sometimes crosses your mind, what would they sound like?

  • I’m too busy, too old, too fat, too weak, too tired
  • I’m not disciplined enough, smart enough, healthy enough, pretty enough, or strong enough
  • My happiness isn’t important enough
  • I tried before and it didn’t work
  • I just don’t have what it takes to succeed with self-care

Yuck. Just writing this list gives me anxiety and makes me want gin. If you’re struggling with any of these negative thoughts, I’m here to remind you of your greatness.

Here’s the deal: Whatever your life looks like today (and it looks imperfect for us all right now!) you’ve still got what it takes to thrive.

Real self-care isn’t about striving, pushing, or fixing yourself. It’s not about having perfect health, a perfect body, or a perfect daily routine. In fact, it’s less about self-improvement (I’m not enough) and more about self-love (I’m worthy and phenomenal, just as I am). Be confident in the fact that you’re truly a gift to the world.

Sounds delicious, right? So how do you embrace a positive mindset? How do you make your mental health a priority?

The key is to consistently cultivate positive self-talk, positively impacting your body and spirit. In short, it’s about shifting your thinking to boost your self-worth.

The Thriver’s Manifesto: 15 Positive Affirmations for Self-Care

I whipped up what I call The Thriver’s Manifesto filled with 15 self-care affirmations. Think of these self-love affirmations as a declaration of intentions for how you will embrace self-care and cherish yourself moving forward.

Use these affirmations for self-care to replace all those negative thoughts with positive ones. It’s time to rewire your brain for positive thinking. It’s time to thrive in your own way. Enjoy these daily affirmations, sweetheart!

  1. Regardless of my circumstances, I have the power to thrive—at any time on my journey!
  2. When I’m thriving my energy is flowing—body, mind, and spirit. I’ve got a pep in my step, peace in my mind, and joy in my heart. If I’m not thriving, it’s a sign to redirect my time.
  3. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to taking care of yourself. My version is right for me and it changes as my life changes, therefore I refrain from comparing myself to others. I accept myself as I am.
  4. I choose words, thoughts, and beliefs that support my physical and mental health, personal goals, and highest good.
  5. I listen to my body and trust my intuition because I know what’s best for me and my life.
  6. I feed my body clean, healthy food because I’m worth it. Taking care of myself by improving my diet improves my life.
  7. I understand that self-care is health care and I practice it daily.
  8. I support my immune system by lessening my exposure to a toxic environment.
  9. I practice progress—not perfection—in my pursuit of vibrant health and happiness.
  10. I ask for support when I need it and I make time for my friends. Community = longevity.
  11. I love and accept myself just as I am today—not down the line when I create some mythical better version of myself. Self-love has no prerequisites.
  12. I can’t please everyone, and that’s OK. Being a people pleaser drains my energy. And when I’m too focused on living up to other people’s standards, I forget to raise and honor my own.
  13. I am grateful and thankful on a regular basis because it puts me in a positive state, boosts my confidence level, and reminds me of what’s already great in my life.
  14. I understand that physical and emotional healing isn’t linear. It happens in seasons, zigs and zags, and you’ll take steps forward and backward. Therefore, I am patient, loving, and supportive of my body and life.
  15. I say yes to my life and make time for me and for the people, animals, experiences, and all the things that matter most. I give myself permission to live like I really mean it, starting today!

Embrace these self-care affirmations and play them on repeat whenever you need a boost of positive feelings in your daily life. Remember, you have the power to take a moment to beat negativity. You have the power to focus on your mental health. You hold the power to create space to focus on you.

You Deserve Some Simple Self-Love

You matter, sweetheart. I know you’re busy taking care of everyone and everything else. But self-love should never look like self-neglect. Give yourself a moment to rest and focus on these self-care affirmations. Be patient with yourself.

My final thoughts: You deserve to take a few minutes today to love yourself.

I hope this collection of self-care affirmations has helped you believe that you really can implement consistent self-care. And if you ever find yourself in need of inspiration, just pull out this list and remember what you’re aiming for—and how much strength you already have to make it happen.

I believe in you, sweetheart!

And I want to remind you of the special resource I have to help you skyrocket your self-care.

My free 5 Day Self-Care Kickstart is open now! You’ll get 5 days of fun, free self-care challenges and tons of support (plus a bunch more positive affirmations, too!). Sign up NOW to join in!

Self-care doesn’t have to be hard.

It doesn’t have to be a demanding list of self-improvements that make you feel like you’re falling short. It doesn’t have to be an expensive collection of products that are more about beauty than real well-being

Instead, it can be a few simple, steadying minutes a day where you come home to yourself. Where you nurture your body, mind and spirit with just a little of the love you share so generously with others.

When it comes to practicing that simple self-love, here’s what I wish for you.

May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you cherish yourself. May you know how deeply loved you are—today and always. And may you pay that love forward everywhere you can.

May your everyday self-love help you step into the fullest expression of who you are—a joyous, loving, thriving, force for good—even (and maybe especially) in tough seasons like these.

Your turn: Which positive affirmation from the Thriver’s Manifesto resonates with you most? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

Sweet simplicity,

Kris Carr

P.S. Join the Inner Circle Wellness community!

If you want me to be your coach, guide and head cheerleader, joining my membership community is the only way to do it. You’ll get everything you need to build self-care rituals in your life, including coaching, new recipes, meditations, communal support and so much more! Let me support you in your self-care, sweets. Your wellness family is waiting.Join here!