Catherine McNeill

I started Kris Carr’s total wellness program, Crazy Sexy You, when I had been living for 3 years with chronic widespread pain and digestive issues that shrunk my life down to barely being able to walk without exhaustion. I was afraid for my future, as I was getting worse over time. My diet was “good” before—I rarely ate out and ate lots of veggies, but it did include meat, dairy and gluten.

At the end of program week one—WEEK ONE!!—my pain had gone from a daily 5-6 out of 10 to a 2 out of 10! For a chronic pain sufferer this is huge! After the third and final week, I have NO PAIN other than mild morning achiness that I think most people get when they’re over 40. My digestive issues are gone too. I feel like myself again. My skin is glowing. I’m walking, working out, dancing, and my husband and I are taking our first “big” trip since I got sick. A month ago I couldn’t have imagined feeling this good. I cannot thank Kris enough!

This program is truly life changing. The materials are excellent, the recipes are delicious and the support and encouragement from Kris, her team and the Facebook community are wonderful. They made the transition to this way of life simple and doable, which is much appreciated when you’re going into it already busy and depleted.

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