A Prayer for Trailblazers (with video + free download!)

Hiya Gorgeous!

Today I’m going to fill your heart with so much goodness. In fact, if you’re feeling a little down or grumpy, you’ve got to promise me that you will stop what you’re doing and watch this short video.

Backstory: A few weeks ago, a wonderful surprise popped up in my inbox—an email from a principal at an all-girls school in Texas with a video (check it out below!)

Now emails from school principals are not something I receive. Though I knew this wasn’t true, the thought that I was in trouble did cross my mind briefly. Perhaps I was being summoned to Saturday detention (a regular occurrence during my high school tenure—generally after toilet paper bombing the chapel and stuff like that.) Nope, you’re 46 years old Kris, this must be about something else. But what?

As it turns out, I was not in trouble. They were actually inspired by something I wrote (to which I thought—you’ve come a long way baby!)

Now the mission of this wonderful school is to empower girls to live and lead with confidence and purpose, so they can pave the path for others to follow.

It’s so important to build children up—especially little girls, like these cuties you’re about to see! We need to ensure that they have equal opportunities in society and that they believe in themselves. They deserve to have the power and freedom to blossom into their full potential. That’s how this world becomes a better place.

With that goal in mind, the faculty at this school turned my “Prayer for Trailblazers” into their daily school pledge. Amazing!

Back when I wrote this, my intention was that it would be a call to action to believe in yourself—a reminder of who you are and what you’re capable of. Listening to these beautiful sweethearts sharing my thoughts instantly brought tears to my eyes (and it probably will for you too!).

I wish I’d had an empowering message like this back in my grade school days. Just imagine what this world could be like if every child was encouraged to dream and believe in themselves, to play big and keep rising, no matter what!

Without further ado, go ahead and press play…Soak in these uplifting words from these powerful, brave and precious girls. Once again, I promise this will totally make your day!

A Prayer for Trailblazers…

May you believe in yourself.
May you play big.
May you refuse to let anyone define you.
May you see the need for you.
May you rise to the challenge. And then rise again.
May you be courageous.
May you let go of any negativity or criticism that comes your way.
May you stop comparing yourself to others and start celebrating the you right here, right now.
May you praise yourself and may you remain humble.
May you explore.
May you risk.
May you leap even if there isn’t a net.
May you shine.

I hope this message nourishes you at the deepest level. Now, share this blast of positivity with all the children and people you love. And remember to keep spreading your light and magic because the world needs us to shine. What we do today is paving the way for the girls (and guys) of tomorrow.

Your turn: Did this video inspire you? If so, share your thoughts below! And if you feel like it, share what YOU would add to this prayer.

Peace and happy trailblazin’,

Kris Carr

P.S. Want more love-filled inspiration?

Check out my Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck for 52 gorgeously illustrated and inspirational reminders that you are amazing. ALL of you! Grab a deck here.